Release process for the cloud

This outlines the release process for Avni cloud

Avni release process

What is the current deployed release?

The current release on production can be identified through the following mechanisms

  1. The latest release notes on avni-product
  2. The latest release blog on the Avni blog
  3. The latest communication via email sent to [email protected] (usually with the subject "Avni Release Announcement")

What is the release we are working on?

Releases are marked "Active" on the Roadmap

Release numbering

All versions of below specified end-deployables are marked with a release number that corresponds to the release on the project board, whether they are deployed or not. This makes it easier to understand the right version of the production. For the release, we also mark avni-product with the same release number and provide combined release notes there.

  • avni-client
  • avni-server
  • avni-webapp
  • rules-server
  • avni-models
  • integration-service
  • integration-admin-app
  • avni-etl
  • avni-media
  • avni-product
  • avni-infra

Other smaller packages such as avni-models and rules-config have their own release cycles that do not correspond to anything. We use semantic versioning for these packages.

Patch deployments

  • Happens from the release branch by increasing the patch version by a number (eg: 3.35.0 if patched will have a version of 3.35.1).
  • Create release notes in the respective repos and in avni-product repo and tag the commits in the respective repos with the patch release version. This applies to the patch fixes that we do for the issues raised for the app in Open testing track. When a patch release is done, to fix issues of the app in Open testing track, in its corresponding release notes, add a line mentioning the link for the main release notes.
  • The latest tag with the bigger no(across repos) will be our release version to be mentioned in the mail to our users. If this deviates from mobile app version, or if a release doesn't have a mobile app release, mention the same in the mail to the users.
  • Merge the branch across repos to the main branch / next release branch if already cut.
  • Update release tracker if applicable.

Release preparation

  • Ensure that all previous release changes have been merged to the repo's master/main branch
git fetch --all
git checkout <prev-release-number>
git update

git checkout master
git update
git log master..<prev-release-number>
git merge <prev-release-number>
git push origin master
git status
  • Update the avni-models release version if merge was done there as part of above step
  • If models version was updated, also update the client, webapp and rules-server repos with the latest models version
  • Create a new branch. Ensure builds pass and deployment happens on the staging server
# Perform this for all end-deployables
# avni-product, avni-client, avni-server, avni-webapp, rules-server, avni-models
# avni-infra, avni-etl, avni-media, integration-admin-app and integration-service
# release-number: 3.36 , tag-number: v3.36.0
git stash
git pull --rebase
git checkout -b <release-number>
git push --set-upstream origin <release-number>
  • Inform in the common channel(both team members present) about the new branch created
  • Create releases on Github using the new release branch on all end-deployables. Configure the release on github to automatically create a tag on the release branch when we publish the release.

Deploy to production

  • Inform in the common channel(both team members present) about the release progress
  • Tag all end-deployables in release branch, if not done
    # Perform this for all end-deployables
    # avni-product, avni-client, avni-server, avni-webapp, rules-server, avni-models
    # avni-infra, avni-etl, avni-media, integration-admin-app and integration-service
    # release-number: 3.36 , tag-number: v3.36.0
    git tag <tag-number>
    git push origin --tags

Backup Latest PROD DB snapshot for long term use

  • Find the Latest System Snapshot for Avni PROD DB RDS, and invoke "Copy snapshot" action on it. Name the snapshot "bkp-${Source snapshot name}". Ex: bkp-proddb02-2024-02-13-23-12


  • Find the passing circle-ci job for the tag. If the job was triggered more than a week ago, retrigger a fresh build from circleci after selecting the repo and the branch so that the artifacts from the build step are available in the deploy steps.
  • Check if there are any running Background jobs on Prod and if needed wait for them to complete
  • select users.username, jobs.* from
        (select bje.job_execution_id execution_id,
                bje.status status,
                bje.exit_code exit_code,
                bji.job_name  "Type of Job",
                bje.create_time create_time,
                bje.start_time start_time,
                bje.end_time end_time,
                string_agg(case when bjep.key_name = 'uuid' then bjep.string_val else '' end::text, '') uuid,
                string_agg(case when bjep.key_name = 'fileName' then bjep.string_val else '' end::text, '') fileName,
                sum(case when bjep.key_name = 'noOfLines' then bjep.long_val else 0 end) noOfLines,
                string_agg(case when bjep.key_name = 's3Key' then bjep.string_val else '' end::text, '') s3Key,
                sum(case when bjep.key_name = 'userId' then bjep.long_val else 0 end) userId,
                string_agg(case when bjep.key_name = 'type' then bjep.string_val::text else '' end::text, '') job_type,
                max(case when bjep.key_name = 'startDate' then bjep.date_val::timestamp else null::timestamp end::timestamp) startDate,
                max(case when bjep.key_name = 'endDate' then bjep.date_val::timestamp else null::timestamp end::timestamp) endDate,
                string_agg(case when bjep.key_name = 'subjectTypeUUID' then bjep.string_val::text else '' end::text, '') subjectTypeUUID,
                string_agg(case when bjep.key_name = 'programUUID' then bjep.string_val::text else '' end::text, '') programUUID,
                string_agg(case when bjep.key_name = 'encounterTypeUUID' then bjep.string_val::text else '' end::text, '') encounterTypeUUID,
                string_agg(case when bjep.key_name = 'reportType' then bjep.string_val::text else '' end::text, '') reportType,
                max(bse.read_count) read_count,
                max(bse.write_count) write_count,
                max(bse.write_skip_count) write_skip_count
         from batch_job_execution bje
                  left outer join  batch_job_execution_params bjep on bje.job_execution_id = bjep.job_execution_id
                  left outer join batch_step_execution bse on bje.job_execution_id = bse.job_execution_id
                  left join batch_job_instance bji on bji.job_instance_id = bje.job_instance_id
         group by bje.job_execution_id, bje.status, bje.exit_code, bje.create_time, bje.start_time, bje.end_time, bji.job_name
         order by bje.create_time desc) jobs
            join users on = jobs.userId
    where status in ('STARTING', 'STARTED')
      and create_time >= now()::date + interval '1m';
    Automated Backend server deploy
    • Approve deployment to production
    Manual Backend server deploy
    • Copy the RPM URL built by the circle-ci job (available in the ‘Artifacts’ tab of the ‘build’ job of the ‘test_and_build_and_deploy’ workflow).
    • Deploy the rpm on production
wget <rpm url>
sudo service openchs stop
sudo yum remove avni-server
sudo yum localinstall <downloaded rpm-name>
sudo service openchs start
tail -f /var/log/openchs/chs.log


  • Find the passing circle-ci job for the release tag. If the job was triggered more than a week ago, retrigger a fresh build from circleci after selecting the repo and the branch so that the artifacts from the build step are available in the deploy steps.
  • Approve deployment to production
  • Deploy platform translations for all app flavors.


  • Find the passing circle-ci job for the tag.
  • Approve deployment to production


Binaries for avni-client can be generated on the local machine or via circleci(Preferred for Avni Production). Steps for both are mentioned below.

Local Machine Build

Make sure the following environment variables are set (values available in keeweb) for the flavors that are being built:




  • For releasing all flavors:
## Create prod bundles
versionName=3.5.1 versionCode=30501 make release_prod_all_flavors

## Deploy platform translations
make deploy_platform_translations_live_for_all_flavors
  • To release a particular flavor, say lfe:
## Create prod bundle
versionName=3.5.1 versionCode=30501 make bundle_release_prod flavor='lfe'

## Deploy platform translations
make deploy_platform_translations_for_flavor_live flavor='lfe'
  • To release security flavor, follow instructions specified here
CircleCI Build
  • Go to
  • Select the branch that the release is being made from
  • Click on the 'Trigger Pipeline' button. Note that Trigger can be done only on HEAD of a branch, if you need to build from one of the previous commits, then create a new branch and use that for build purposes. Merge it back to the parent after build.
  • In the popup that is opened, add flavor, versionCode and versionName parameters. flavor by default is set to generic and can be skipped if generating the generic avni flavor.

  • Click on 'Trigger Pipeline' in the popup.
  • Once the test and build jobs pass, approve the hold_live job.
  • Trigger platform translation upload for live
    ## Deploy platform translations
    make deploy_platform_translations_for_flavor_live flavor='generic'
  • Once the pipeline completes, AAB and APK files will be available in the artifacts for the release_android_live job. The AAB is meant for uploading to play store. APK can be used for manual testing if required.
    • For some reason the AAB downloaded is in .zip format. From terminal, do something like mv avni.aab before uploading it to google play store.
  • Open the Google Play console
  • Open the Avni app and go to Release Menu -> Testing -> Open Testing
  • Create a new Beta release and upload all four APKs / (AAB if generated from circleci)
  • Name the version and provide the release notes. In the release notes, no need to mention cards with label 'Epic' or with category as 'regression'.
  • Rollout to beta
  • Email to [email protected].
  • Message in the common channel(both team members present) tagging the QA with release notes link, that release is out for sanity testing.
  • Wait for 3 days for feedback from users. If none, then promote the app to production

Deployment of secondary applications

Avni secondary components are:

  • integration-service
  • integration-admin-app
  • etl
  • media-service(Server and client)

For each of the Avni secondary components listed above, repeat the following steps

  1. Find the passing circle-ci job for the tag corresponding to the release
  2. Approve deployment to production

Additionally, if there are any changes in Lambda scripts of Avni-media, deploy them to S3.

#> ./ <environment>; // Needs AWS CLI config to be done


  • Message in the common channel(both team members present) tagging the QA with release notes link, that release is out for sanity testing.
  • Remove the "Active" label from the release description on GH projects
  • Publish release for all avniproject repos
    • avni-product
    • avni-client
    • avni-server
    • avni-webapp
    • rules-server
    • avni-infra
    • avni-media
    • avni-etl
    • integration-service and
    • integration-admin-app
  • To create release notes for each of the repos, you may use GitHub command to fetch list of card titles
gh project item-list -L 3000 --owner avniproject --format json 2 | jq -c '.items[] | select (.release == "<Specify release number, ex:5.1.0>") | [ .title, .content.url]'
  • Create a blog on avni-website repository with details of the release. Make sure to include relevant documentation links and videos if necessary. This is meant for a non-technical user while the release notes on Github can be for developers and implementers
  • Send mail to [email protected] with [email protected] in bcc (usually with the subject "Avni Release Announcement")
  • Merge the release branch to master in all repositories
  • Update release version in the release tracker