Pre-release Testing Checklist

Please follow pre-release checklist strictly to avoid delays/headaches in prod release.

One time

  • Create a new (permanent) user pool called pre-release
  • Create users in the same pool for each implementation, with the right organization

Prepare a new replicated environment

  • Replicate production environment and create a temporary environment called pre-release. Following are the steps to do this:
  1. Go to infra repo.
  2. Update minor_version file at the path "server/version/minor_version" with the latest version that you need to deploy. You can get last successful version from "build" job of openchs-server workflow from CircleCI.
  3. Run make plan-prerelease-from-prod.
  4. Create prerelease environment using command make create-prerelease-from-prod.
  5. Check prerelease server logs to make sure that server has started.
  6. Also make sure from the logs that all migrations have run successfully.
  7. Warning: If any migration is failing or taking too long make sure to fix the issue and please don't manually make the server skip a migration. Skipped migration will result in headache during the prod release.


  • Deploy new server build
  • Deploy core metadata.
  • Deploy all the implementations that you are going to deploy on Production.
  • Warning: If you miss out deploying any implementation then you lose the chance to catch errors that may come during prod release.

Test existing app with existing implementations

  • Build the version of the app corresponding to the one available on the play store on your machine or circle-ci pointing to pre-release.
  • Use this app. Perform sync. Test the app.

Test new app with existing/new implementations

  • Update the app on the device you are testing
  • Test the app for each implementation (Uninstall, Install, Login, Any other testing)
  • Ensure that you have run the "Run Rules" if required during the testing for the new customer.


  • You are good to go for production release if there are no issues.
  • Stop/Destroy the pre-release environment
  • Right now, the make task to stop/destroy pre-release env, in infra code base is not fully functional. So terminate EC2 and delete prerelease db from RDS. Be careful while doing it.