Media Viewer

Many organisations collect media (images, video, files) as part of their workflow. The Media Viewer helps organistion administrators browse through, search and bulk download media files uploaded to Avni.

Media Viewer is available as an app on the home page for organisation admins.

Media Viewer app

Media Viewer app

Media can be filtered by

  1. Addresses
  2. Subject Types
  3. Programs
  4. Encounter Types
  5. Concepts (numeric, text and coded datatypes are supported)

Media can be downloaded as a zip file with format described here

Important to note

  1. Media Viewer can be used only if an organisation has analytics (ETL) enabled
  2. The thumbnails are generated seperately as part of AWS Lambda jobs.

Alternative methods to access media

Other than the Media Viewer app, media can be accessed using the following mechanisms

  1. Going to the specific form where the media was collected (either in the web based Data Entry Application or the Android app)
  2. Using a report to list out a specific media files