Release process for Security Testing

In-order to generate a secure apk used for security testing purposes, we currently have only 2 make commands that generate security compliant AAB or APKs. Before running below build commands, ensure the flavor is set correctly, or include flavor info while invoking them.
Ex:- export flavor=lfeTeachNagalandSecurity

The 2 commands are:

  • Universal APK
    • versionName=1.0.0 versionCode=1 make release_prod_universal
    • versionName=1.0.0 versionCode=1 make release_prod_universal_without_clean
  • AAB
    • versionName=1.0.0 versionCode=1 make bundle_release_prod
    • versionName=1.0.0 versionCode=1 make bundle_release_prod_without_clean