Commit Guidelines

  • Every commit needs an issue on Github
  • There are times where an issue is not very important (minor dev only fixes such as Makefile changes etc). These will be marked as issue number 0.
  • Commit format is #<issueNumber> | <commitMessage>. If the issue is in a different repository for some reason, then it is marked appropriately with a message like this - avniproject/<repo>#issueNumber | <commitMessage>. eg: #123 | Fix missing semicolon, avniproject/avni-client#123 | Fix missing semicolon
  • Make the first line of the commit concise. If you need to add more context, add a newline and put details there
  • Have atomic commits that fix one issue at a time. If there is a lot of formatting changes, then make that a separate commit so it is easy to identify the core change